Even thought the days are still short and the snow is piled deep over the garden, it won’t be long before it’s time to start seedlings in preparation for the growing season. I’m putting in several fruit trees this year, as well as expanding the number of edible perennials we grow.
GALA is putting together a bulk seed and tuber order from FEDCO so if you’re in the area and are thinking of getting some seeds, do it with us and save money!
From the GALA blog:
Do you want to learn how to save money and strengthen community? Buy in bulk! Pooling resources so that everyone benefits is an age old principle of cooperative communities. What better commodity to organize around than seeds – the essence of life! I invite people to joing me in making a bulk seed order now with a company I have been using for a long time now – FEDCO seeds. I have only one catalog but am happy to share it, or you can go to the web site www.fedcoseeds.com, look through the online catalog, print an order sheet . . (or sheets, because you order seeds on one sheet, tubers on another, and books/supplies on another), fill it in and get that to me by January 31. Or you can call FEDCO (207-873-7333) and order a catalog to be mailed to you.
I find it helpful to have other seed catalogs nearby as I look through the FEDCO catalog. The artwork in the FEDCO catalog is wonderful, but if you are not sure of a new plant or flower or haven’t seen the variety listed in the catalog, there is little visual help for you from FEDCO (Burpees, Johnnys, Territorial all have lovely pictures of perfect plants).
Once I have the orders tallied, then I can figure out the discount we will get and tell each person how much s/he owes. I send in the check and the orders and they will be mailed by FEDCO to me. We can have a potluck get-together to distribute orders and/or share/split orders or seed envelopes (or you can just pick your order up at our house at your leisure). Sounds like a Seed Party to me! Looking forward to hearing from you, please email me at: [email protected].